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review written 2/22/2003

This is history. Show some respect.

A Jedi fights a Sith in a desert. It's fast-paced and fun (though what's up with that waaaay-too-long ending shot?). It drops you right into the action without even a fade-in. Duel does "effects test as film" before it was cool. This is lightsaber fun, old-school style. And I don't know about you, but that first rush at each other with the two sabers is still one of the best saber duel beginnings in any fan film.

I can't talk too much about it. There's not much to say. It's well-made, short and to the point. With the exception (again!) of that long shot at the end, everything serves its purpose.

Fan filmers were doing their stuff before some of us were eating solid foods. Let's hope nobody misses out on this well-made little fight.