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review written 9/3/2003

This one's sort of critic-proof.

I can't give away what makes this fan trailer special, which makes it difficult to review, but there's still a few things to say about it. The footage is crisp and clear, the keying well-done.

Yoda is brilliantly handled, from the way his ears are done to how his color was achieved (I'd never in a million years have thought to simply color-correct the footage... I'd have been making masks or something). And the lightsaber grasp at 0:41, too. You watch this film and you think, "Oh, of course, that's how they'd do it, wouldn't they?" It seems so obvious.

Great job on the Jedi Temple explosion, TIE flyby and hologram scene as well.

There's very little one can actually discuss about a project like this, and I suspect a few viewers will consider their time wasted after the download. It's hardly a film that will stick in your mind or inspire you, but, all things considered, it's worth a few chuckles and it could have been a hell of a lot worse.