available at AtomFilms

Read an interview with creator Jeremy West

review written 2/25/2003

Short and sweet, a well-written one-joke spoof. The editing flows nicely, and the performance… okay, I don't buy that this is Han Solo, but I buy the character. Does that make sense?

One thing I really like about this is that it's not a direct send-up of one Apple commercial. A lesser take on this material might just do the Ellen Feiss Apple ad shot-for-shot. Rather, this is a bit of an amalgam of Apple ads (I guess).

The special effect that pops up at the end is nicely done (better than some "serious" fan films). The lighting is handled competently.

And it plugs Apple, which I'm cool with. :)

Snag this. It's an innocuous little flick, but you might surprised how keep-worthy it is.