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review written 7/19/2003

First of all, ten points for the title alone. This sounds like it could be—well, not a Star Wars movie, perhaps, but certainly one of the comics or books or something. No "of the" here for the Dastoli Digital team, who's made more movies than I've made, ever. And their experience and craft shows.

The opening crawl is the perfect color and font, if a little overlong. But it's the information that's interesting. This film sounds like it could have a rather convoluted, complex plot. Well, bring it on. I prefer all this sneaking around to a straight fight.

Few fan film Coruscants, if any, look this good. The soft yellow lighting is different from anything we've seen in the films thus far. I think the beauty shots last a little long, though.

The Dastolis play the heroes. They aren't kind to themselves with the dialogue, to be frank. We get a lot of political-economic discussion which didn't win Lucas any fans with the prequels.

And wow, that's a hell of a sunset shot. And a night shot. And, ooh, boy. Can't fault the visuals here. I also like the hologram that appears shortly after, both in terms of design and execution.

But is he wearing an Earth necktie? There's a couple of Earth details in this film where they shouldn't be. Later on, what's with the line "Good evening, gentiles?" Are we implying that there's Jews and non-Jews in the galaxy far, far away?

More dialogue. Hey, at least it's played straight. Some fan films overact. This one underacts. It's a change.

God, these sets are dazzling. Beautiful stuff. I can't get over it. Every shot has something interesting to look at. Look at the way they incorporate an electric sign into the mise-en-scene following a firefight. Watch not only the realism of their space chase, but how they pick exciting angles. (And you gotta love those explosions.) I don't know what the deal is with floating runes leading to a planet, but it looks cool. (I wonder whose job it is to put those up and make sure they don't drift out of orbit?) My favorite detail is an advertising sign with a moving finger. You'll know it when you see it.

The Dastolis do brilliant things with lights in this film. Not just for humor. When they go through a tube on a conveyer belt you can see how the light is distorted and reflected through the tube. The casino is a kaleidoscope of magical color and spinning light.

When the pretty lights go away and we're in the confrontation dialogue with the casino owner, though, the story's left to succeed on its own. And frankly, it's either the acting or the dialogue, not sure which, but one of 'em just doesn't carry the story like it should. And with a story that's just a little more complicated than "Sith is bad, let's kill him", you can't get away with that.

And c'mon guys. We know you did the whole movie yourselves. Stop giving yourselves so many credits. (The credits look great, though.)

There's always something to learn from and admire in a Dastoli film. Do check this out.