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read an interview with creator Ken Lawton

review written 10/23/2003

Note: Because I participated in this film as a voice actor, I cannot in good conscience give it a grade and maintain any semblance of journalistic integrity. However I will share comments.


What I like about this film is its loyalty to the Star Wars timeline. It's like Pink Five in a way. There's nothing to suggest this comedy couldn't have actually happened. It has its fun and gets us back to the film timeline we know. This is a great thing to do with fan films, serious or comedy, I think.

This film takes us back to Grand Moff Tarkin's days as a younger man, auditioning for Alderaanian Idol. His song is very funny. I do think, though, we spend a little too much time focusing on the judges' berating him afterwards. Was the vomiting neccesary?

There is one other part where I feel Ken Lawton shows us a little too much. In my opinion the film should have stopped as soon as Tarkin announced that Alderaan was to be destroyed. We didn't need to see the Death Star go there, or (worst of all) the title card telling us what happened. We've seen the movie enough to know that.

And then it ends. I really like the spinning stars in the credits, incidentally.

My only other comment is that, even by Flash standards, the images look a little simplistic. Though it does reduce loading time. Still, the impressive preloader tips us off that this could have looked a bit better.

Regardless... like Ken Lawton's previous films, this is at the least good for a laugh, and the switch-up of medium is a welcome touch.